Exploring the SMMNRA: California Naturalists Visit the Rancho Sierra Vista Native Plant Nursery

When it’s time to talk about SAMO Fund’s active role in the restoration of native plants, the native plant nursery at Rancho Sierra Vista is a must-visit. The California Naturalist certification program did just that. The group dedicated their attention to native plant ecology, restoration, and the management of invasive weeds at the RSV Nursery and Cheeseboro Canyon Trail, meeting with Joey Algiers and SAMO Fund employees Antonio Sanchez and Karla Gonzalez to guide their green thumbs.

At RSV, the group prepared milkweed beds, sowed seeds, and weeded Coastal Live Oaks seedlings in preparation for replanting efforts. During the guided hike, the group witnessed firsthand the detrimental impact of invasive weeds on the landscape, particularly in relation to fire risk, and gained valuable insights into the indispensable role played by native plants within our ecosystem.‌

In 2023, SAMO Fund's native plant nursery teams hosted 43 giveaway events, gave away a spectacular 31,000 milkweed plants to communities in Ventura and Los Angeles counties, and planted 23,004 in the Santa Monica Mountains. In 2024, SAMO Fund plans to plant 30K milkweed plants in the mountains and give away 30K plants.


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