Combat Nature-Deficit Disorder

Information provided by Stop Nature Deficiency Disorder:

This Is How You Combat Nature-Deficit Disorder:


Nature-Based Adventures for Families

If you can’t recall the last time you and your family encountered grass, bugs, or any other natural element, you might be suffering from something called nature-deficit disorder. It’s true that today’s children are spending more time than ever on their devices and indoors. Here are some ways parents can fight back against nature-deficit disorder as a family, brought to you by the Santa Monica Mountains Fund.

Learn Through the Seasons


Get Active Outside, TogetheR

Whether you’re in your backyard or out on the trails, there are always opportunities to spend time in nature.

Storm Spotting for Children: At-Home Meteorology

25 Outdoor Science Experiments for Kids

Getting outside is more crucial than ever for our kids. That said, it’s not always easy to convince them to join us in nature. For families, using smart resources to encourage kids to explore nature and become more active can do wonders for their enthusiasm and nature education.

Go Out (Or Stay at Home) and ExplorE
