Exploring the SMMNRA: California Naturalists and Turret bees

Turret Bees At Rancho Sierra Vista Satwiwa

Last weekend the California Naturalists attended a session at Rancho Sierra Vista Satwiwa, where they delved into the fascinating world of turret bees and explored the wilderness through a guided hike.

The day started off at the Satwiwa Native American Indian Culture Center, where the CalNat class was treated to insightful documentary footage by James Carey. These documentaries explored the world of the remarkable Bindweed Turret Bees, and highlighted their industrious nature, epitomized by their tireless nest-building efforts.

The Naturalists were then guided by James on a hike where, along the scenic route, he paused to point out the locations where the turret bees would soon begin building their nests in May. Some members of the group shared anecdotes of passing by these nests on previous hikes, unaware of what they were.

The session provided California Naturalists with invaluable insights into the delicate balance of nature and the awe-inspiring efforts of its smallest inhabitants, the resilient and dedicated turret bees.

California Naturalists are enrolled with SAMO Fund to receive their certification as an California Environmental Steward. They undertake a series of programs and have to complete coursework to earn their certification.

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