Spotlight: Anna Flores

Anna Flores holding two hand-drawn cards she received from students.

Anna Flores holding two hand-drawn cards she received from students. “I like to keep them (the drawings) hanging at my desk because this is why I do it, for the kids, and to show them the different careers they could enjoy”

Recently, SAMO Fund staff sat down with one of our exemplary employees to have a chat about what makes her hopeful about the work she does and how she came to Santa Monica Mountains Fund.

Q: What did you want to be when you were growing up?  

A: A Motivational Speaker. I had an inspirational teacher who would show us Ted talks. Now, I feel that I have brought this dream into my career because I motivate students to find ways to resonate and connect with nature. 

Q: How did you end up at SAMO Fund? 

A: I Applied to SAMO youth in 2019 for outdoor education/interpretation learning path. Also, for a Spanish Communications Assistant. I didn’t hear anything back for a while because of COVID. Then in June or July of 2020, Anna Chola reached out to me and asked if I’d like to be the Spanish Communications Assistant. 

Q: What did that entail? 

A: Taking photos around the park for socials/posts, translating press releases into Spanish, and creating more online content. We were focusing on it due to COVID. I started Reading with a Ranger. I helped contact publishers, gain approval, filming/editing/captioning/posting. “Online Interpretation”. We found a way to continue to reach out to the youth at a time where we couldn’t physically take them outdoors.

Q: And after that? 

A: I worked in the SPU unit for a year doing graffiti removal, inputting signs, assisting law enforcement, search and rescue, roving. I learned a lot about the park from my superiors (Ken Low).

I was working part-time at SAMO Fund while attending Ventura College and later UCSB studying environmental studies. I loved my time in CC, I was a first gen college student.

Q: When did you graduate? 

A: 2023 

Flores goes on to give her work history with NPS in education and interpretation from 2023 to 2024, including Channel islands, Bryce Canyon, and Sequoia and Kings canyon. She is currently the SAMO Fund Education Program Lead

“I was unsure about leaving NPS because I wanted to be in uniform, but education is my passion.” 

Q: Did you always want to go into education? 

A: Education is my passion. In high school, I knew I wanted to study environmental studies in college. I gained experience in environmental community engagement, environmental advocacy, and working in a lab. In comparison: I enjoyed the outreach and community based work much more than the lab work so I quit the lab job and started working for SAMO Fund (back in 2020). 

Anna is SAMO Fund’s Education Program Lead. She oversees the Open Outdoors For Everyone Program, which brings students from Title 1 schools in Ventura and LA Counties to the park for a day of adventure and learning with NPS and State Park Rangers. We aim to inspire the next generation of national park stewards and educate them about the national park on their doorstep, the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. Learn more about Open Outdoors For Everyone


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