Taking Action for Monarchs!

The SAMO Fund Native Plant Nursery at Rancho Sierra Vista held their 2nd Monarch and Milkweed conference on 3/12. The virtual conference brought in 295 attendees. A diversity of speakers provided information geared towards encouraging the return and improvement of monarch habitat through the planting of pollinator plants to provide nectar and native milkweed to support monarch caterpillars.  

On 3/19, the Nursery held its first Monarch Day of Action. The day of action invited the public to join in hands-on efforts to support monarch butterflies. Work varied by site, but included restoration, milkweed planting demonstrations, nursery open houses, guided hikes, etc. This work is particularly important due to the significant decline observed in the western migrating population of monarchs which has been occurring over the past several decades. Events took place at the Yerba Mansa Meadow at Rancho Sierra Vista, the King Gillette Ranch Visitor Center, Inland Empire, Riverside,  and Artemisia Nursery. 

 Shout out to Antonio Sanchez and the Nursery team for developing a great conference and day of action. 


Hiking the backbone trail - Part 7: Corral Canyon trailhead to Malibu Canyon Road


Raptor Perches installed in the mountains