Trail crew + Native plant nursery = Huge success

Santa Monica Mountains Trail Crew at Milkweed Mania

SAMO Fund’s trail crew took a break from removing vegetation and instead focused on growing plants when they cross trained with the nursey during Milkweed Mania!

Milkweed Mania, a native seed sowing party and potluck hosted by the Rancho Sierra Vista’s Nursery teams under SAMO Fund was a great success. The 3-day event involved over 70 volunteers in the sowing of 20,000 native milkweed seeds, a class on the specialist relationship between milkweed and monarchs, tips on native landscaping for attracting monarchs and other pollinators, and a tour of the nursery grounds including the seed conservation and herbarium program. Volunteers took milkweed plants and seeds for their home gardens. The event included a potluck, snacks, and monarch and milkweed-themed face painting for little and big kids.

#MilkWeed #MilkWeedMania #PlantNursery #Trailcrew #SAMO


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🦋SAMO Fund is Growing the Local Milkweed Population!🦋